
6月21日 Mini Clubman Experience Day

今日好興奮呢...!!!  因為今早參加左Mini 攪既Clubman experience day呢..., 所以一早 8:45am就起身同子去左馬頭圍既Showroom集合呢... ^^ 今日一共有5部Clubman S, 1部Clubman and 1部Cooper S參加呢...  哈哈.... 我drive邊部??? 當然係我最愛既Lighting Blue Clubman S啦.... 哈哈哈... 真係好好好開心呢...

我地9am就出發去清水灣呢... ^^ Lighting Blue既Clubman係咪好型仔呢...? 相呢部係領航車... ^.^

不過中途我都轉左開佢部車呢... 因為我部試部車盞engine light仲突然間著左, 之後computer lock左車速唔俾快呢... 所以去到中途我地就改左用另外一部車呢...^^ 之後個driver仲變左做NatNat呢...  佢今日好勁呀... 由清水灣開到去尖沙咀終點 Intercontinental Hotel

沿途我地都俾Clubman包圍住, 真係好型呀...!!! 天氣仲要好好呢...!!!

到左酒店之後原來Mini HK o係果度既日本菜館NOBU安排左早餐及日本菜煮法示範呢....!!! 呢個就係Executive Chef n 講師..Mr. Oyvind Naesheim!

真係好滿意同享受今日既安排呢...!!! 食飽飽之後仲做咩...? 就係上由Mini HK及NOBU安排既壽司班... 手上既圍裙仲係紀念品呢...

你地睇下子整得幾靚...? 當然人都靚啦..... ^^ 其他人都好認真ga...

下面就係我地既成果.... 左邊既係我... 右邊既係子... 整好左之後仲有大合照, 不過update個blog之時仲未收到Mini果面既相... 我地之後仲食左自己既 "傑"作呢... 不過都係食左少少ja.... 因為我地仲有lunch要食....

玩左一輪之後... 下面既就係我地今日食既菜色之一... 係咪好正呢...^^ 仲有wine and維港景.... 正...!!!

食飽飽之後就去返酒店門口拎車車... 睇下幾多部....??? 返去果程我仲轉開左下面白色部普通版Clubman返showroom呢... 今日真係好開心...

After today's experience, i believe mini is not only a car producer...but also a specialist in creating life style as well. Just wanna say thank you to their marketing team for the perfect arrangement today!!! ^^


7 則留言:

  1. 好羨慕啊....  好似好好食咁喎....
    [版主回覆06/22/2008 23:17:00]好好味呀....!!!

  2. BMW D MARKETING開始有料到!
    [版主回覆06/22/2008 00:26:00]係呀... 不過聽聞BMW同mini既marketing係分開喎.....
    哈哈... 阿nat同你地住咁近... 咁咪成日都可以見...???

  3. it's really a funny and exciting function! I love those sushi and the cooking class is interesting as well.

  4. No wonder I saw you guys pulling out from the service center. How come they didnt call me for this type of event? I guess they are only looking for potential customers.
    [版主回覆06/22/2008 18:38:00]^.^Hahaha... Wat a coincidence yesterday and you were so early lei....You know I was so exiciting when I saw your chocolate coming toward the clubm"e"n group... ^^ lei..... hehehehe... btw, how come you went there so early gei? Your chocolate is fine?

  5. 嘩!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!試車呀, 正呀~~ 好多野玩, 好好玩喎~~~~~~~
    [版主回覆06/23/2008 22:42:00]係呀... 我都係第一次上sushi class呢....

  6. mini唔call我地去既!? 好似好好玩咁!!!
    [版主回覆06/23/2008 22:42:00]haahhaha 妳都有clubman la... 仲要experience...???

  7. Pls check out my blog.  You are welcome to visit my exhibition if you are working in the F&B sector :)
