恭喜譚氐家族一新成員既來臨!!! 譚家千金今日兩日大啦.... 其實早係兩日之前我地都有見過面呢.... 不過今日可以咁近距離....真係多謝佢dad & mum咁放心呢
再一次祝樂詩佢身體健康, 快高長大及要孝順父母呢..... 哈哈... 睇佢上面張相隻手仔, 舉哂手仔咁真係好得意呢...... 子見到佢都好開心ga!!!
到我又抱下先.....!!! 哇哈哈... 你地睇下佢個樣 勁可愛!
呢排好多好多初生babies呀.... 好彩仲記得掂抱呢... 所以都ok ga!
齊睇......................... , 心動;不如行動![版主回覆11/12/2010 00:28:00]放多一陣假..... 再二人世界下... 就行動啦!
好似亞子抱得自然好多個禮物籃好正架,快D叫你個FD幫BB用啦,呢個時節用最GOOD!!![版主回覆11/12/2010 00:28:00]係ga.... 呢份禮真係好合bb用ga.... ^^
唔... 幾。時。到。你。們。呢。。。? [版主回覆11/12/2010 00:29:00]快快快快快ga la.... 等等等等等多陣啦..... ^^ enjoy二人世界中
放埋呢個 weekend 假好做野喇。Thanks again to you, Nat, Jackie, Kennis for the BB basket, and the CEO delivery too. As the papa, I like the balloon the most. :D[版主回覆11/16/2010 18:01:00]Welcome la... ^^
張伸利單眼相又係幾得意喎 …..[版主回覆11/16/2010 18:01:00]譚家出品
你地都快d啦[版主回覆11/16/2010 22:02:00]哈哈.... 妳都快d好喎......
齊睇......................... , 心動;不如行動!
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/12/2010 00:28:00]放多一陣假..... 再二人世界下... 就行動啦!
[版主回覆11/12/2010 00:28:00]係ga.... 呢份禮真係好合bb用ga.... ^^
唔... 幾。時。到。你。們。呢。。。?
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/12/2010 00:29:00]快快快快快ga la.... 等等等等等多陣啦..... ^^ enjoy二人世界中
放埋呢個 weekend 假好做野喇。
回覆刪除Thanks again to you, Nat, Jackie, Kennis for the BB basket, and the CEO delivery too. As the papa, I like the balloon the most. :D
[版主回覆11/16/2010 18:01:00]Welcome la... ^^
張伸利單眼相又係幾得意喎 …..
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/16/2010 18:01:00]譚家出品
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/16/2010 22:02:00]哈哈.... 妳都快d好喎......