以往見到朋友新婚生活既照片... 其中一個令到我覺得好sweet又好warm既節日, 就係兩公婆一齊砌聖誕樹.... 其實我地都好懶ga... 不過由於我都想一圓砌聖誕樹呢個家中活動, 我地今晚就一齊出左去買料啦... 哈哈... 好warm呢!
今日出席完車會活動就返左屋企休息.... 之後再出街買料... wa.... 4尺既聖誕樹好多地方都冇哂貨...! 本來想買有光纖果款, 不過又怕買返黎好易壞, 傳統果d壞左都係換set燈.... 所以最終都係買左傳統聖誕樹呢....
9:30pm兩公婆就一齊為佢裝飾........ 10:30pm... 哈哈... 亮燈儀式既一刻!!!
之後d鴨仔仲走哂出黎湊熱鬧呢....!!! 好開心!!!
李家既第一棵聖誕樹出場啦...!!! Merry Christmas!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/14/2010 23:51:00]有埋兩個女女再加妳.... 一家人砌下都幾開心ga.... 一齊四圍搵吊飾, 又可以掛kitty, 咩都得..... 樹下放哂妳d手袋... 哈哈...都幾壯觀....
Totally agree that it's a newly wed activities! So we have our Xmas tree at home too!!!
回覆刪除Time really really flies.... both of our 1st year wedding anniversaries are approaching very soon!!! Are you ready?? We shall get back to the venues... I think a lot of images will float back... perhaps will also go for a short getaway trip...
[版主回覆12/15/2010 21:57:00]woo.... u so happy lei.... can go for trip.... hahaha.... about my anniversary, I planned to go back to venues as well.... but only for lunch buffet maybe, coz my friend who caught the flower "ball" from my wedding, she will get marry in the same date with me.... Jan 23 but it will be in 2010. Thus, mostly like will join her wedding banquet...^^
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/17/2010 00:55:00]整左未先...?!! 我仲未上你度試套新5.1喎...